My Current Favorite MOM TIPS

Becoming a mom is a beautiful journey – one sought after & loved by so many. Nothing compares to holding your baby for the first time, the sweet smell of after bath snuggles & velvety baby skin. The JOY you feel when you watch your child learn something new or do something that was so scary or hard for them!


But, then the hard mothering days come crashing down on you like a load of bricks…or maybe a ball to the head, or stepping on a sharp lego…HAHA amiright???


My current fav “MOMMY TIPS” have been my saving grace in keeping my sanity & helping things to run a little more smoothly….especially now with more than one kid! Read on, I’ll share my young mom wisdom with you!


Find a routine that works for you & keep it the best you can! How many times have you heard an experienced parent or teacher tell you that kids THRIVE on structure & routine. From my experience, I can tell you that YOU do, too!


I don’t think this needs to be anything military grade, just simple. Give you & your kids something to count on, something safe and secure so you all know what to expect!

My Current Favorite MOM TIPS


Some of my simple routines I implement right now include breaking my day into structured/timed blocks. Some of them currently are:


  • learning/pre-school activities

  • “real life” lessons (ie: baking, cleaning up, etc)

  • toddler quiet time while baby sis sleeps = MY work time!!

  • specific times for lunch/SNACKS/meals

  • Friday = cleaning day!




EMBRACE time with your kids and just PLAY with them.

Put your phone in your bedside table for even just 20 minutes & go PLAY WITH them! Be silly - do what they love to do. I find when I intentionally do this, my love for them GROWS and my heart is so full. It makes it so easy to see their amazing imaginations, and the JOY they find in living a simple, beautiful life right in your very own living room.


Make. Time. For. You.

Sounds easy, sounds like a lot fun. But can be SO hard!

Find a fitness class you can schedule in every week, have a recurring nail appointment you can count on! Or find a group of girls that you can do a monthly activity with – like a cook book club, bunco night, or just out to eat!


But, sometimes I even love to just head out for an hour in the evening completely ALONE. I usually end up wandering around the grocery store picking up miscellaneous items I forgot a couple days ago, or at target…looking at everything I don’t need HAHA! Or, one of my very favorites, a drive around the fancy neighborhoods looking at pretty homes and jamming to some music!


Give yourself the grace of a routine reset. You need it and you deserve it. I promise you’ll be a more present, happier mother and wife when you get home!





Keep the love alive (I’m thinking this could be a whole post on it’s own...stay tuned. I’ll need your ideas!)

Buy the adventure challenge book that’s been popping up in your Insta ads! Or do a date night swap with another couple – but always do it after bed time, no other young parent actually wants to watch your kids ;)


Our current favorite is AT HOME date nights! Get the kids to bed & treat it like a real date. Get take out & play your favorite card/board game. Bake or cook something together. Get canvases & do a paint night! The list is endless on this. But the point of it all is, make it intentional & plan it out so it really happens.

 Your brain is running a mile a minute as a mom, it is exhausting - I KNOW! There is so much you have to do to keep everyone’s lives run smoothly.


It seems my overarching theme is to try to keep a routine so that you AND your kids can anticipate and count on what needs to be done and what is expected. And also so that YOU, and your husband, and make sure to FILL YOUR CUP before you are running on empty.


Do all you can to BE PRESENT before the joy & magic of this fleeting phase of life is gone.

What are your current MOMMY TIPS that are making your life with littles more fun & enjoyable everyday?

Tell me in the comments - I’ll need your help on my hard days!

Laurel Francis

Candid moments, genuine smiles, and heartfelt connections


Baby Nick


Cherishing Motherhood - Brunch & Minis