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My Current Favorite MOM TIPS
motherhood Laurel Francis motherhood Laurel Francis

My Current Favorite MOM TIPS

Becoming a mom is a beautiful journey – one sought after & loved by so many. Nothing compares to holding your baby for the first time, the sweet smell of after bath snuggles & velvety baby skin. The JOY you feel when you watch your child learn something new or do something that was so scary or hard for them!

But, then the hard mothering days come crashing down like a load of bricks…or maybe a ball to the head, or stepping on a sharp lego…HAHA amiright???

My current fav “MOMMY TIPS” have been my saving grace in keeping my sanity & helping things to run a little more smoothly….especially now with more than one kid! Read on, I’ll share my young mom wisdom with you!

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