Getting Ready Photos

Getting Ready Wedding Photo

Should I take "getting ready photos" on my wedding day?? Why??

Let's chat about it!!

My answer is almost ALWAYS YES!!!! I'm going to use one of my fav brides for example photos.

I love being with the bride when she is getting ready and with all of her girls. There are such tender moments that are so special to be captured. Basically it’s just an opportunity to have more of the special moments of your big day captured. This is the time that you get to spend with mom, or sister or best friend before they "give you away" to your new husband. You guys its so special. I love that moment. And I love capturing the emotion in it.

Basically I say yes yes yes.

But is it weird for my photographer to be with me while I’m getting ready??

Well I totally consider you to be my best friend by now so no, I don’t think it’s weird AT ALL!!! I’m happy to help with what ever you need. This is YOUR day girlfriend!! That being said, if you don’t want your photographer in the room while you’re only in your scamps, just tell them before hand!! Its so easy for them to step out and then step back in once you’re modest. You can have them capture just your mom zipping up the dress, your sister helping you put on shoes, your bestie putting in your veil and definitely everyone doting over you! Okay so there a LOT of pictures your photographer can take, in what ever manner you want them to!

Wedding Getting Ready Photos; L E F Photo

Who should be there?

WHO EVER YOU WANT!! DUH! Also not who ever you don’t want. hahah if you want it to just be a special moment between you and your mom you can totally tell everyone SEE YA! Or you can have the whole crew, bridesmaids, aunts and cousins at the hair salon with you while you and/or they are getting prettied up. Or what I usually recommend is somewhere in between! Have all your girls show up at the time you’re supposed to get into your dress (they should already have hair and make up done and dresses on). That way before they get there it can just be you and your mom and maybe a sister or two. It can be intimate and exciting, allowing you to soak in all the day to come! Then when you’re dressed, you can do a bridesmaids reveal! And that’s so fun too. Then you might as well add in a daddy reveal, bc come on. Daddy’s are so sweet on their daughters wedding day. (scuuse me, I gots to go blow my nose)

Wedding Getting Ready Photos; L E F Photo

How long should I have my photographer there?

Great question. Plan on them coming just 20 min before you’re scheduled to put the dress on. That way they can grab some detail shots of the dress hanging, rings etc. And one or two shots of you getting your makeup done. But they don’t need to be there the whole time. Unless you want more candid photos!

Wedding Getting Ready Photos; L E F Photo

When should I start getting ready?

THIS IS SUCH AN IMPORTANT QUESTION FOR YOUR HMUA!!! Which, btw, TOTALLY pay the money to have your hair and makeup done. Everyone else can do their own if you want to save on money, but get yours done professionally. IT MAKES ALL THE DIFFERENCE!!!!!! Okay. So now that you’ve hired a HMUA, the first thing you need to ask, is how long do you need to beautify me?? It’s different for every artist. But I’d plan on 2 hours for hair and makeup plus another 40 min for getting the dress on, fixing details and reveals.

Will you be there with me please?

Girlfriend, you know I am going to be there with all the love and jokes and sillies and in sappy love.



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Laurel Francis

Candid moments, genuine smiles, and heartfelt connections


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Mat and Aly