YOU CAN DO IT - work/life balance as a mom

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Being a mom is the most important thing you’ll ever do.

Ralau; Luke indoor DIY studio Shoot; Ukelele;  YOU CAN DO IT - work/life balance as a mom

Raising tiny humans, especially in the current state of our world, is no small task

But you want to feel successful and fulfilled in chasing YOUR dreams too, right?

I can tell you that IT IS POSSIBLE to do both, and do them well!


There never seem to be enough hours in the day! You don’t need to feel less than perfect if you aren’t devoting all your time to putting together pinterest-perfect crafts and activities that are fun AND educational.

The answer is easier said than done…

You need to manage your TIME well!

“Guard your time fiercely.

Be generous with it, but be intentional about it.”

- David Duchemin

Be INTENTIONAL with your time

Block scheduling is my saving grace!

When your kids are awake and need you, find time to be fully WITH them.

Get down on the floor and PLAY with them, laugh with them, read books with them, and help them to feel LOVED.


But be vigilant in scheduling out a nap/quiet time or babysitter block to focus on YOU and YOUR DREAMS! 

When you DO have this time…

  • put your phone away 

  • don’t turn on the TV 

  • have snacks & water prepped to limit distractions

Make a list of tasks you need to accomplish in your designated work time. NOT an exhaustive list of EVERYTHING you need to do, but TWO OR THREE things that you are able to finish completely

Don’t let your to-do list leave you feeling defeated and unaccomplished - make it reasonable and doable!

Personal; family; YOU CAN DO IT - work/life balance as a mom

But also, be mindful that…it is OK to be a mom AND work!

Think of Ma Ingalls (Little House on the Prairie). She worked ALL DAY LONG to keep her home and their farm up and running, while her kids entertained themselves and I’m sure they learned how to help, too!

Your children will benefit and get creative by playing on their own. Let them be children and remember…there is nothing wrong with being a working mother!!


Get Outside!

Personal; family; YOU CAN DO IT - work/life balance as a mom

If you want to hear from the experts…

Business Insider will convince you of all the beneficial reasons to step outside your home, here.

Get out of your bubble of laundry, graham cracker crumbs stuck to your socks, and whiny (but very cute) little voices… and get some FRESH AIR!

Personal; family; YOU CAN DO IT - work/life balance as a mom

This is proven to:

  • improve your memory & mood

  • decrease stress & inflammation 

  • increase your ability to focus

  • AND let your little ones EXPLORE!! 

“Intentional living is the art of making our own choices,

before others’ choices make ours.”

- Richie Norton

get outside; YOU CAN DO IT - work/life balance as a mom

Be an example to your littles of being determined, organized and INTENTIONAL.

They will learn from watching you carve out special time to focus and accomplish BIG DREAMS that mean something to you. 

Isn’t that what you would want them to do for their dreams?


Now go for a walk and brainstorm a block of time that will work for you and your family - I’m rooting for you!

Laurel Francis

Candid moments, genuine smiles, and heartfelt connections


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