Getting Out of a FUNK!

DSC05304.jpg What does being in ‘a funk’ even mean?

What does being in ‘a funk’ even mean?

I know this looks different for everyone, and it happens to all of us at different times.

For me…I lose my motivation. I forget the WHY behind why I do, what I do!

Raising (and carrying) littles can be the most draining chore! But also, the most beautiful, thrilling and exciting adventure! (a wide range of emotions to navigate on daily basis, AMIRIGHT??)

LEF_6295.jpg What does being in ‘a funk’ even mean?

Sometimes I really think it is wise to just ride it out.

We are built to feel a whole realm of emotions – the good AND the bad. Even though the bad isn’t very fun, or appealing. BLAH!

I truly believe that we grow in the midst of our trials and struggles. They TEACH us to be better, to be stronger! These low times make the good even BETTER!


But once you have navigated this sad, depressing, confusing time and you are ready to be DONE with it…

How do you get back to the normal you?!

What does it take to pull yourself up by your bootstraps and start loving your life again?


Make a to-do list!

Pick ONE or TWO things to accomplish in a day that bring you JOY and allow you to feel productive.  

Once those couple things are done, check them off the list and CELEBRATE!

You did it! You didn’t sit on the couch in your jammies alllll day to watch Toy Story for the *cough* 143rd time…

you got something done!!

This creates MOMENTUM!

I guarantee once you accomplish those first couple tasks, you’ll want to do more the next day, and the next…

You’ll be back to your groove in no time!


If lists aren’t your jam, that’s cool - try some of these ideas!  

  • get outside – try not to live in a box!

  • listen to a motivational podcast in your field - nothing better than learning from the greats

  • be active – get that blood pumping!

  • read a book – get lost in someone else’s story

  • moderate addictive behaviors - a social media break might be a GREAT idea!

  • write in a journal – help process your situation & emotions

  • listen to music – a good jam session makes everyone feel better!!

  • set goals – have something to work for that motivates you, & let others support you


Through this process of finding your happy self again, GIVE YOURSELF GRACE.

What does that look like?

Forgive your mistakes, forgive lapses in self-criticism, try your hardest not to judge yourself or compare yourself to others, know that each day won’t be perfect, & know that it will STILL be hard at times!



of feeling accomplished, happy, beautiful and successful.

You are worth the work!

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It’s OK to feel however you are feeling right now.

Life is beautiful because you get to experience the good, the bad & the ugly.

It allows for PERSPECTIVE!


You are beautiful & so loved!

Comment below & tell me, how do YOU ‘un-funk’ yourself??

Laurel Francis

Candid moments, genuine smiles, and heartfelt connections


Feeling BEAUTIFUL in Your Photos!


Cardiff and Clover