Sash and Zach

Sasha and Zach; Covid-19 Southern California Wedding; L E F Photo-1931.jpg

I’m so happy that Sasha and Zach were able to get married with so many of their loved ones even during COVID-19. Obviously they had to change things and move things around, but they were sealed in the temple, and are so grateful for the life they are starting together! It was so special to photograph their love and be a part of their big day. Read the story in Sasha’s own words!

“I was feeling totally fine up until we pulled up to the temple and I got nervous and so excited at the same time! Zach and I drove down to the temple separately so it was about an hour and a half of thinking alone and getting excited! It was so nice having family around and I couldn’t wait to go inside!

“Zach and I saw each other for the first time that morning in front of the temple and we were totally ready to go! It was all business until we got into the temple, and then the waterworks started on my end!

It was all business until we got into the temple,

and then the waterworks started on my end!

“We were able to get sealed which was so incredible! We had the temple to ourselves and the quiet peace was calming and beautiful! I’ll always remember that peaceful feeling of knowing that this was right and how excited I was to be his wife for eternity!

“After the temple, I couldn’t have cared less how the rest of the day went, but it was beautiful all the same! I got to see all of my family when we gathered for pictures and got to hug everyone and say hello. Pictures were awesome, even through all the avoidance of the goose poo!

Pictures were awesome, even through all the

avoidance of the goose poo!

“Zach’s parents put in so much work to make our family luncheon beautiful in their backyard! All the family came over after pictures and we all relaxed, had delicious tacos and super yummy cake! It was so nice to relax and talk with family after the busy morning activities!

“Being married is so simple and wonderful. You have all this craziness going on while you’re wedding planning, and all of the emotions preparing for that day, and then it finally happens, you get married and life is so much simpler! There’s still so much life to live and so many things to do, but I know that my eternal companion will always be with me through it all and it makes life so much sweeter!”

Being married is so simple and wonderful.

Congratulations Sasha and Zach! I couldn’t be more thrilled for you!! The best to you and your journey through life together!!

Sasha and Zach; Covid-19 Southern California Wedding; L E F Photo-02655.jpg
Sasha and Zach; Covid-19 Southern California Wedding; L E F Photo-02454.jpg
Sasha and Zach; Covid-19 Southern California Wedding; L E F Photo-02675.jpg
Laurel Francis

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