Elevate Your Photography Business: Recent Amazon Purchases

Embarking on the journey of family and newborn photography in Corona, CA, is an exciting venture filled with possibilities. As photographers, our goal is not just to capture moments but to create experiences that leave our clients in awe of the beautiful journey of motherhood.

Client Experience and Studio Aesthetics: As a passionate photographer, the desire to be the best family and newborn photographer in Corona and Southern California constantly fuels my dedication. However, it's crucial to note that the key to success isn't found in Amazon purchases. Nevertheless, sharing some of my recent buys that contribute to creating a welcoming studio space and memorable client experiences is always fun!

1. Knitted Baby Blankets

https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C6L644BK?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08HHBN7XT/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1

A cozy and neutral addition to my collection, these knitted baby blankets provide both warmth and a touch of elegance, ensuring babies are comfortable during their sessions.

4. French Linen Duvet Cover


For an added touch of sophistication and a cozy studio ambiance, a French Linen Duvet Cover adds a timeless and elegant element to your photography space.

4. Olive Tree


Bringing the outdoors inside, an olive tree adds a natural addition to the backdrop creating some visual interest

5. Fujifilm Instax Mini Instant Film


Giving clients a little film strip to take home from their session gives them something to hold onto physically while they wait to see their beutiful gallery.

While Amazon purchases won't make you the best family and newborn photographer, thoughtful selections can enhance client experiences and create a welcoming studio. Keep the focus on the love for your craft, and let these additions complement the joy you bring to each session. Here's to crafting beautiful memories and capturing the essence of family and newborn photography in Corona, CA.

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Let’s chat about mentoring and all the things photography!

Laurel Francis

Candid moments, genuine smiles, and heartfelt connections



Embracing the Chaos: Capturing the Beauty of Motherhood in In-Home Newborn Sessions 🏡


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